“When we think about survivors of trauma from the standpoint of domestic and sexual violence, we know that these experiences take time and effort to heal.” said CEO Lori Jump, StrongHearts Native Helpline adding, “Likewise, gun violence has become a constant source of trauma in America turning our schools, shopping centers and our homes into a battleground.”
Jump explained survivors of trauma need mental health services for post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) that is more often than not unavailable in poor communities where gun violence is prevalent.
“There is a dire need for health professionals to mobilize and respond to the increasing number of gun violence cases that plagues our country,” concluded Jump. StrongHearts Native Helpline supports common sense legislation to ensure the safety of all citizens in the United States. We understand that gun violence is not a stand alone issue. America’s mental health system is broken and fails to meet the most basic needs of its citizens.
StrongHearts Native Helpline supports the Strengthening Protections for Domestic Violence and Stalking Survivors Act, recently introduced by Senator Klobuchar (MN) and Representatives Dingell (MI) and Fitzpatrick (PA) and implore our elected representatives to take swift action to improve the safety of our citizens.